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Elbow Scoring to become mandatory for the KC Assured Breeder Scheme.

Elbow scoring to be a mandatory requirement for The KC Assured Breeder Scheme for Rottweilers from January 2017.

The Breed Council agreed in one of its meeting that the Health Co-Ordinator Sarah Morgan would liaise with the KC ABS with the hope of them agreeing to add Elbow Scoring to the ABS scheme for Rottweiler's as mandatory instead of recommended.

Sarah has just had confirmation from the KC that this has been agreed and will come into effect from January 2017.

A big thank you to Sarah for her hard work in organising this and also to all the Breed Council Member Clubs for working together and agreeing to put this forward for the good of the Breed.

We understand that the KC will announce this to scheme members in the near future.

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