C List Non Breed Specialist

The Rottweiler Breed Council C List of Judges & Criteria
Non Breed Specialists
List adopted by :-
The Midland Rottweiler Club.
The South Western Rottweiler Club.
Eastern Counties Rottweiler Club.
London & South Eastern Rottweiler Club
The Rottweiler Club
The North of England Rottweiler Club
List Updated 7th May 2016
The Rottweiler Breed Council and its member clubs reserve the right to remove any person/s from any of its judges lists without prior or any notification.
If you do not wish for us to publish your address please request its removal via email or in writing –
Email address breedcouncil@gmail.com
Persons who fulfil the criteria set out below who are approved by the Rottweiler Breed Council to judge General Open Shows.
Rottweilers are currently in band D so C list judges can judge up to 3 classes.
For aspirant judges who have shown an interest in the breed and have the support of the Rottweiler Breed Council
1 To have attended one Rottweiler Breed Seminar
Mr. Roy Brandon, Chez Nous.Green Lane.Brodsworth.Doncaster DN5 7UT Tel 01302 721015.
Mrs Patricia Blunden, 4, Lincoln Close, Grantham, Lincs. NG31 8RQ Tel. 01476 407032 email bblunden@hotmail.co.uk
Mr. John Clitherow 28 Broomfield, Harlow, Essex, CM20 2JZ Tel 01279 450875 19172
Mr Roger Cruden, 289 Wakefield Road, Normanton, West Yorkshire, WF6 1DU, Tel 07946 340903, Email shamsky@virginmedia.com
Mrs. Cheryl Denham-Horton 61 Shepton Crescent, Aslpey, Nottingham NG8 5QQ
Mrs Linda Esders 19 Gisborough way, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 4FU, Tel 01509 731592, Mobile 07939 266477,
email esderslin@hotmail.com
Mr Martin Esders, 19 Gisborough way, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 4FU, Tel 01509 731592, email martinesders.roxigaboxers@hotmail.co.uk
Mr. Ray Evans, Fairlawns, Hayston Road, Johnston, Haverford
Mrs Jane Eyeington, Meadowdale,Pudding Lane, Birch, Colchester, Essex, CO2 0NE, Tel 01206 330495, Mobile 07796 530667
Ms Deborah Fleming, Townshead Farm, Helensburgh, Dunbartonshire, Scotland. G847LD Tel 01436 678895
Mr Wayne Fielder, Fern Pass, Higher Tremayne, Praze, Comborne, Cornwall, TR149PH, Tel 01209 832281 or 07533 625180,
email wayne.fielder234@btinternet.com
Mr Edward Forsey, 4 Grove Avenue, Yeovil. Somerset, BA202BB, Tel 07989 398856
Mr Ricky Furnell, 2 Park Close, Wymondham, Norfolk, NR189BA, Tel 01953 603850
Mrs Jayne V Herbert 6-8 Durham rd Leadgate Consett Co Durham DH8 7RJ 01207 580394
Mrs Chelsea Hickling – 11 Cherry Avenue, Kirkby in Ashfield, Notts, NG17 8HG Tel 07514 047193
Mr Ashley Hickling -11 Cherry Avenue, Kirkby in Ashfield, Notts, NG17 8HG Tel 07514 407669
Mrs P Hollings Carlton Hall Farm Carlton Yeadon Nr Leeds LS19 7BG Tel 01132505113
Mr. Paul Lee 58 Morris Green Lane, Bolton, Lancashire, BL3 3LS Tel 01204 655089
Mr Liam Lydon, 2 Park Close, Wymondham, Norfolk, NR189BA, Tel 01953 603850
Tate Louch, 4 Grove Avenue, Yeovil. Somerset, BA202BB, Tel 07713 461810
Mr T Mather 70 Higher Rd Hunts Cross Liverpool L26 1TD Tel01514863570
Miss Melanie Reekie 93 Myreside Avenue, Kennoway, Fife Scotland KY8 5EP, Tel 07516 862268 email missmj.reekie@yahoo.co.uk
Ms Catherine Moffat 16 Elmale Road, Consett, DH86AX Tel 07714 014887 or, Email :- kyleca@talktalk.net
Mr. William Passmoor, 4 Esthwaite Avenue, Garden Farm Esatate, Chester-le-Street, Co Durham DH3 3HA Tel 0191 3880089
Mrs. Lynne Sanderson 38 FrankRoad, Caldwell, Nuneaton, Warks.CV11 4QN tel 02476 34760
Mr. Hugh Simpson 84 Mill O’Shields Road.Drongan.Ayrshire Tel 01292 591418
Miss Michelle Swinge Balthazar, 7 Mayfield Ave, Hullbridge, Essex, SS5 6JQ 01702 230072
Malinda Thomas, Daffaluke Villa, Glewstone,Ross on Wye, Herefordshire,HR96BA, Tel 07951059778
Leah Wiltshire , Ladymere, Callow Hill, Brinkworth, Wiltshire, SN15 5EB, Tel 01666 510227