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B List Non Breed Specialist

The Rottweiler Breed Council B List of Judges & Criteria

Non Breed Specialists


List adopted by :-

The Midland Rottweiler Club.

The South Western Rottweiler Club.

Eastern Counties Rottweiler Club.

London & South Eastern Rottweiler Club

The Rottweiler Club

The North of England Rottweiler Club

List Updated 4th September 2016


The Rottweiler Breed Council and its member clubs reserve the right to remove any person/s from any of its judges lists without prior or any notification.


If you do not wish for us to publish your address please request its removal via email or in writing –

Email address



Persons who fulfil the criteria set out below who are approved by the Rottweiler Breed Council to judge General Open Shows.



For aspirant judges who have shown an interest in the breed and have the support of the Rottweiler Breed Council


1) To have five years experience owning and exhibiting in any one breed and have the support of the Rottweiler Breed Council


2) To have judged the breed at a minimum of 7 Open Shows or Championship Shows without CCs and to have judged a minimum of 20 classes with dogs present.


3) To have judged a minimum of 70 Rottweiler’s


4) To have attended at least one Breed-specific Rottweiler Judging Seminar run in accordance with the relevant Kennel Club Code of Best Practice and passed an examination and/or assessment.


5) To have stewarded a minimum of 6 days at Open or Championship shows (unless already awarding CC’s in another breed) (A copy of your detailed and signed stewards record book may be requested so please ensure you have this to hand)




Mr Barry Blunden  4, Lincoln Close, Grantham, Lincs. NG31 8RQ Tel. 01476 407032 ,email


Mrs Diane Butler,  35 Meadowside, Common Road, Lingfield, Surrey, RH76BY, Tel 01342 832695


Miss Marion Hodgson. 122 King Harold Road, Colchester. Essex C03 4SQ Tel 01206 540029

Mr Tim Hutchings, Winuwuk Cottage, Heathfield, Berkley, Gloucestershire, GL139PN, Tel 07711 167852.Email


Allyson King – 39 Swadlingcote Road, Woodville, S Derbyshire, DE118DE, Tel 01283 212233, Mobile 07792 031447.


Mr Simon Luxmoore, Hushwing Barn, High Road Wiggenhall St. Mary Magdalen King's Lynn NorfolkPE34 3BG , Tel 01553 812277


Tracie Mason, 114 Baden Powell Road, Chesterfield, Derbyshire,S402RL, Tel 01246 412413

Ms Catherine Moffat  46 Newbell Court, Consett, Co Durham, DH86FE  Tel 07714 014887 or, Email :-


Mr Howard Ogden, Pendil Grove, Market Place, Northleach, Gloucestershire,GL54 3EL, Tel 01451 861127, 07960 004970

Mr Colin Richardson, 45 Great Western Avenue, Bridgend, CF31 1NN, Tel 01656 665642


Mr John Ritchie, 25 Morris Street, Hamilton, South Lanarks, ML36SL, Tel 07847 859909


Mrs Debbie Stansbury – Woodbriar, Hounster Hill, Mill Brook, Cornwall, PL101AJ, Tel 01752 823106,



Mr Michael L Vines, Fairview, Oldens Lane, Stonehouse, Glos, GL103RL, Tel 01453822134


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